Search for Airports, by Name ICAO, IATA or FAA Code

Many airports around the world have an alphanumerical reference code to identify them. IATA codes are generally three letters and are mainly used for commercial ticketing and luggage tags. ICAO codes are generally four characters long, these are used operationally for flight plans. The FAA also publishes airport codes for airfields within its territory.

Click the name of the airport to show a location map, and weather information.

Name or Code

NameOther NameICAOIATAFAALatitudeLongitude
Dorothy ScottDorothy ScottKZ  K0S7 48.958965-119.41196
Dorr FieldMerigoldKZ  MS95 33.84734-90.7251
DorbrinskiMakotiKZ  NA39 47.89779-101.8546
Cedar RunDorseyvilleKZ  PN01 40.58812-79.90588
Dorlon AirparkColumbia StationKZ  05OI 41.28838-81.96264
Doral Resort & Country ClubMiamiKZ  0FA0 25.81288-80.33894
Camp Tahigwa Landing SiteDorchesterKZ  1IA2 43.43886-91.56737
Doral/tellurideTellurideKZ  CO72 37.93999-107.8487
Dorsey RanchGlad ValleyKZ  1SD0 45.32303-101.7421
Doral Ocean Beach ResortMiami BeachKZ  23FA 25.82565-80.12115
Dorchester General HospitalCambridgeKZ  MD33 38.57178-76.06772
Dorunda, QLDDorundaYDOR DRD  -16.55835141.80835
Dorman FieldMesaKZ  5WA1 46.52153-119.1795
DortmundDortmundEDLW DTM  51.5183147.612242
Dornbirn HohenemsDornbirn HohenemLOIH HOH  47.2319.4206
DornochDornochEG DOC  57.522-4.0136
JonesDorchesterKZ  83WI 44.97052-90.34624
AllenDorsetKZ  8OH8 41.66811-80.68564
Dori (Dori Ville)Dori (Dori VilleDFEE DOR  14.02-0.04
DorumaDorumaFZJD   4.4427.41
Dores Do IndaiaDores Do IndaiaSB  SNDY -19.274-45.351

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