Search for Airports, by Name ICAO, IATA or FAA Code

Many airports around the world have an alphanumerical reference code to identify them. IATA codes are generally three letters and are mainly used for commercial ticketing and luggage tags. ICAO codes are generally four characters long, these are used operationally for flight plans. The FAA also publishes airport codes for airfields within its territory.

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Name or Code

NameOther NameICAOIATAFAALatitudeLongitude
Larner FieldDeer LodgeKZ  MT93 46.28715-112.7581
LarrabeeLamarKZ  NE08 40.54777-101.9782
Lars/privateAthensKZ  PA33 41.95007-76.48299
Larksville BoroughEdwardsvilleKZ  PS48 41.26453-75.92492
Rancho BlancoLaredoKZ  TE32 27.30863-99.48143
Laramie RgnlLaramie RgnlKLAR LAR LAR 41.312056-105.675
Larned Pawnee CoLarned Pawnee CoKZ LQR KLQR 38.208583-99.085972
Laredo IntlLaredo IntlKLRD LRD LRD 27.54375-99.461556
Perry ParkLarkspurKZ  CO93 39.24999-104.8908
Larson StudioOconto FallsKZ  WI20 44.88305-88.09205
Pinellas County Sherriff's BuildingLargoKZ  FA06 27.89141-82.78927
LarsonLarsenKZ  WI91 44.20276-88.63956
LarewNewburgKZ  WV53 39.37204-79.89285
Ivinson Memorial HospitalLaramieKZ  WY40 41.31359-105.5547
Ray's AirparkLaramieKZ  WY63 41.24553-105.7311
Larry D. HerschbergerArthurKZ  IL17 39.72059-88.49589
Larsen BayLarsen BayKZ  2A3 57.53511-153.9784
Larimore MuniLarimoreKZ  2L1 47.90693-97.64064
Larry D BovenGalesburgKZ  2MI3 42.31254-85.46333
Larson'sTyngsboroKZ  MA74 42.69148-71.41812
Larsen Air ParkBellevilleKZ  43G 42.17671-83.54577
Hunter Air ServiceLaroseKZ  4LA9 29.53272-90.39342
LarshColfaxKZ  5L7 40.15837-86.68612
LarnacaLarnacaLCLK LCA  34.87511733.62485
LarsenClovisKZ  5Q8 36.86106-119.6635
LarsonMarinetteKZ  5WI4 45.08138-87.67928
Boulden AirstripLarimoreKZ  60ND 47.87277-97.8162
Jefferson HospitalLargeKZ  60PN 40.3334-79.92477
BakkeLarimoreKZ  61ND 47.94749-97.66203
MortenLarimoreKZ  62ND 47.77916-97.75953
LarzacMillauLFCM   43.9893423.183
LarisaLarisaLGLR LRA  39.65025322.4655
LarsonFullertonKZ  6ND2 46.25886-98.38788
Larry Barrett RlaHavanaKZ  73IS 40.29588-89.94178
LarLarOISL LRR  27.67472554.383278
LarkinKunaKZ  77U 43.46267-116.359
EvansLaramieKZ  79V 41.25887-105.5892
ZanggerLarchwoodKZ  7IA2 43.45136-96.40587
RachalLaredoKZ  8XS2 27.92973-99.85117
Larson AirstripBuffaloKZ  9ND6 46.95748-97.48787
Laraquete La PlayaLaraquete La PlaSC   -37.126-73.135

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